Christine Teh


What I'm Excited About!

I love helping people attain financial freedom and love it when my clients have financial clarity after our session. Through my own journey, I have attained financial freedom. What that means to me is quitting my corp job that I don’t love and being a full time entrepreneur running a business that is based from my soul purpose. I can’t wait to share with you about my journey.

About Me

I started my journey to become a finance and money coach back in 2016. I was at a point in my career where I just wasn't happy with what I was doing anymore. I knew I wanted to be more involved with personal finance, so I interviewed a handful of people while trying to figure out what I wanted to do. Almost all of the advisors I met in my area were only interested in either selling me whole life insurance (because they get a large commission), or they need a certain amount of investable assets (usually in the six digit range).

I have not met anyone who genuinely wanted to teach me how to manage my finances and be in control of my money on my own, regardless of portfolio size. So I decided I will be that type of coach! I initially started offering my services for free to friends and family. I really loved the difference I was making, so I decided to launch my own business towards the end of 2016 part time while working at my corp job. I have recently quit and now doing coaching full time since May 2019. I have shared how my first month on my own went in this blog. It was definitely one of the best choices I have made so far!

Throughout the process of launching my business, I have discovered that I really love what I do, it truly is my calling. I love helping people feel more at ease about their finances. Whether I am helping them figure out how to get out of debt, teaching them how to budget and to learn, or assisting with retirement planning or tax.

I also fell in love with the area of tax preparation and tax planning while volunteering for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance). My volunteer work as well as my clients asking many tax questions encouraged me to pursue becoming an Enrolled Agent. As such, I will also be able to offer tax consulting and preparation as well by 2020. I am very excited about this journey.

If you would like to find out how I can help you, you are welcome to schedule a 15-minute video chat with me to discuss where you are in your personal financial journey. I look forward to working with you to accomplish your financial goals!

Week 8: How to Effectively Manage Your Money?

In this last segment of our Health & Wellbeing Month, we will focus on financial health. Christine will share strategies that have supported her and her clients to attain financial freedom.


  • Learn practical strategies for managing your debt.
  • Learn how to overcome the common mistakes people make in their financial management
  • Begin to create your roadmap for financial health and eventually freedom.

We thank you for your interest in the 90 Day Game Program.

For questions, email us at!